The Hex Tile System is designed to allow your Tiles to interact in fun, practical ways. Every Hex Tile has six integrated magnets, one on each side, so it can attach to any other Hex Tile with ease.
To avoid polarity mismatches, use the metal cups embedded in the surface. One cup will be silver, while the other two are brass. Orienting the silver cup in the same position on all connected Tiles will ensure that the magnets are always properly aligned, as in the image below:
These cups have another purpose, as well. The cups allow Hex Tiles to be stacked on top of one another for easy storage and transport. The black bumpers on the underside of one Hex Tile can "nest" in the cups of the Tile below it.
To avoid polarity issues, you'll need to take care to orient the Hex Tiles in the opposite manner when stacked as you do when they are attached; that is, make sure that the silver cups are not placed directly over one another when stacking your Hex Tiles.
The easiest way to do this is to begin with all Hex Tiles oriented the same way. Pick up a Hex Tile, rotate it 120 degrees, and stack it on top of another Tile. Repeat this process each time, and you will encounter no issues.
The same method should be applied whether stacking the Hex Tiles horizontally, or vertically on a Hex Tile Rack.
Note: in rare cases, the rubber nesting feet have become dislodged from its Hex Tile. Should this occur, please take some photos and get in touch with us for next steps, we'll be happy to help.